Growing South Australia's
Potato Industry




The South Australian Potato Industry Trust (SAPIT) was established in 1987 to support research and development into all aspects of the farming and sale of potatoes and potato products and the general development and promotion of the potato industry in South Australia.

The Trust undertakes this through:

  • research and development relating to any of the growing, farming, cultivation, harvesting, processing, storage, transportation, genetic engineering or the creation of new varieties of potatoes or potato products.

  • research and development relating to the identification, nature, treatment, prevention or extent of any pest or disease affecting or potentially affecting potatoes, the growing of potatoes or the manufacture or production of potato products.

  • the education of and dissemination of information to the public concerning potatoes and potato products, nutritional characteristics, different varieties, storage, use, cooking and recipes.

  • the undertaking of any research, survey or project relating to the identification, nature, treatment or prevention of any pest or disease affecting or potentially affecting potatoes, the growing of potatoes.

  • the development or promotion of the potato industry in South Australia; or any other charitable purpose approved by the Trustees.


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